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Safety Policy

Sutherland PRC provides a loving environment where all participants have safety and feel safe.  


This applies particularly to all classes of vulnerable people – children, young adults, the elderly and any who are disadvantaged (with emotional, mental or physical issues).  


Moreover, our Safety Policy is developed and maintained with the active involvement of these vulnerable groups. Our mandate comes directly from God. He specifically identified classes of vulnerable people who were to be protected and given special care and treatment in society because of their powerlessness (Exodus 22:21-22Deuteronomy 10:17-19Jeremiah 22:2-4, James 1:27).


Protection of vulnerable people is the responsibility of all members and adherents of the congregation, not just the office bearers.  


We affirm that all people have the right to be emotionally and physically safe, respected, and have their views and opinions valued at all times.


We also live in a country that legislates for peoples’ safety, particularly in the area of child protection. Our policy has been developed to help us live out our Biblical mandate and our responsibilities under NSW legislation.


Our Safety Policy covers safe recruitment of all leaders and workers, maintenance of Working With Children Checks and training of all members and adherents.


When an allegation of abuse is made, the alleged abuser will be relieved of any duties they hold and there will be close liaison with Police and FACS agencies to determine whether criminality is involved. Upon resolution of the allegation, church discipline will be applied to bring harmony and reconciliation.

You are invited to use the following link to read the full details of the current Policy which is reviewed annually and approved at each Annual General Meeting.  Click Here to download the latest version of our Safe Ministry Policy.

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